Juvenile Fire Setter Intervention

Report Every Fire, Every Time, Any Size, Anywhere!

Youth involved with fire once are five times more likely to use fire inappropriately again, unless there is professional intervention! 

Every fire starts small.  Regardless of the size of the fire and the type of item(s) burned, a fire has the potential to endanger and destroy lives and property in a matter of minutes.

Intervention may include:

  • A screening interview to determine appropriate intervention
  • Addressing fire curiosity through education
  • Making referrals to mental health providers when more extensive evaluation is needed
  • Partnering with law enforcement and juvenile departments to hold a youth accountable for his or her actions
  • Having the youth complete projects (like the community impact report) which determine the social, emotional and financial consequences of his or her actions
  • Requiring the youth to participate in restitution programs and complete community service projects

To report a fire call 911

The Cornelius Fire Department provides confidential intervention services to citizens of Cornelius and residents of the Cornelius Rural Fire Protection District.  To speak to someone about Juvenile Fire Setter Interventions contact the Fire Department at 503-357-3840.